Have and attitude of gratitude #3

Hi everyone!

When I was in Bali I spent a lot of time in Ubud. On the picture above you can see the rice fields and it was overwhelming how green everything was. This place has its very own vibe and you can feel their religion and spiritualism on every corner. Everywhere are banana leafs with incense sticks to cherish the ghosts and spirits at this places. In Ubud I did a lot of yoga and meditation and there was one meditation practice that appealed to me a lot. Usually in meditation you try to relax your mind and let the toughts pass without trying to stick to them. But this meditation you involve your thoughts as a tool.
First, you imagine what your goals are for the next day and really try to imagine how you will feel while you are working on your goal and how you feel once you have achieved them. Second, you imagine a huge fire inside of you and think about all the negative things that happened to you during the past 24 hours and throw all of these things into the fire and let the fire clear you from all negativity. Third, you remember all the good things that happened to you or that you did during the day and keep them close to your heart to fill you with energy. This might seem very strange to some of you but I believe that this concept can really improve our life quality. I changed it a little for myself. When I lie in bed before I fall asleep, I try to take 10 minutes to focus on my breath and to calm down and then I try to think of all the nice things that happened to me during the day. I believe that we sleep much better when our last thoughts are positive and as a nice side effect, we already focus on the positive things in life during the day. If something has really bothered me, I try the technique with the fire. You can probably use all kinds of different pictures. The key is that I consciously let go of the negative things and not to give them too much room in my life. In the morning I like to take a few minutes to think about my goals in for the day because I feel that it is too easy to get lost in unimportant things, if I don’t have a plan. This way I focus on my priorities and have more motivation, if I also imagine the satisfaction that I have, when I get things done. I really like the balance of gratitude for the past day and plans for the next day. I have to say that this technique really improved my overall life quality. And with these ideas I will tell you my week of gratitude:

I came back from a huge family event and stayed only with my closest family for a few days. I was so tired that I was just grateful for a few hours for myself.

I have been to a shopping tour in Düsseldorf and found some really nice pieces.

We had a nice family barbecue. I think it will be the last barbecue with my family this year because I can’t visit too often. So, I really enjoyed it.

It was my little sister’s first day of gymnasium (the German equivalent to high school). I also went to this school as a teenager, so it was very nice to visit again and I was a little nostalgic.

I left my family and went back to my place. As much as I love my family, I really enjoyed to sleep in my own bed again and to spend a few hours without talking.

I had the best day just hanging around, relaxing and watching old movies because I was still so exhausted. I even took a 3 hour nap!

I got a lot of things done because I feel that you really have to clean a flat, if you didn’t stay there for a while. And I met some friends in the evening, so all in all, it has been a nice day!

I hope this post could inspire you to more gratitude in your life!

All the best!


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