DIY bookends with a twist (small flat edition)

Hi everyone!
I always loved to make things myself and it feels great to know that I made something pretty and useful with my own hands. I probably have it from my father because he loves DIY as well (although he rather makes terraces and bathrooms for our house rather than bookends :D) If you are looking for something easy to start with, these bookend are great because they are absolutely foolproof, so give them a try!

You need:
2 Wooden blocks
2 Animal sculptures (mine are made of papier-mâché but you can even use toy animals)
1 Can of white spray paint
1 Can of copper spray paint
1 Glue
1 Big plastic bag
1 Scissor

Alert! Spray painting can be addictive! I had a lot of spray paint left over and I went a little crazy with it because it is so much fun! Now, the majority of my decoration is copper coloured – but why not?

1.    Cut the plastic bag open, so that you have some protection for the ground you are working on.
2.    Spray paint everything white (It is recommendable to wash your hands before you touch your camera) and let it dry for about 30 min

3.    Spray paint the animals with copper colour and the blocks with another white layer and let it dry once again

4.    Glue the animals on top of the blocks and let the glue dry

5.    Do you see the little twist I built in? I live in a lovely but very tiny flat. So, I’m always looking for spaces to store small bits and pieces. Those tiny things are usually lying around everywhere do not necessarily make a flat look nicer. So, if you find a wooden box instead of a wooden block, it will work as a secret storage space and keep your flat neater effortlessly.

6.    You are done already! Now, find a nice spot and enjoy the feeling of making something that pretty yourself!

I hope you have fun with this tutorial, especially when you live in a tiny flat!

All the best!


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